Online Platform of the 4th edition of FIVideodanza de la CDMX-Wild-er-ness is part of the Online Platform of the 4th edition of FIVideodanza de la CDMX-, available during April and May 2020. Festivalvideodanza.com_online_catalogoScreenshot 2019-01-27 15.09.09_edited
Wild-er-ness is part of the Online Platform of the 4th edition of FIVideodanza de la CDMX-, available during April and May 2020. Festivalvideodanza.com_online_catalogoScreenshot 2019-01-27 15.09.09_edited
London Vignettes - Screendance MA Dance Practice and Performance & BA Dance, University of Roehampton
Subject/Object/Practice/Place: Connecting Creatively Through the Performing Arts: 10th Annual Conference of the School of Performing Arts