Official selection COCO Dance Festival Online 2021, Trinidad and Tobago
WECreate Spaces-Limerick official selection at COCO Dance Festival Online 2021. The festival is scheduled to take place on Saturday,...
WECreate Spaces-Morelia Sans Souci Festival
WECreate Spaces-Morelia is part of the official selection at the Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema - Dancing on the Plant, Dairy Arts...
Mostra Internacional de Videodança de São Carlos
Official selection Mostra Internacional de Videodança de São Carlos- São Carlos Videodance Festival Thule -Beyond the borders of tbe...
WESpaces-Limerick at Museum of Boulder
Official selection 18th Annual Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema Season Premiere, Museum of Boulder, CO, US, 4-6 September 2021
Thule-PIFF Parana Internacional Films Festival 4 Edición
Thule-Beyond the borders of the known world, Official selection PIFF Parana Internacional Films Festival 4 Edición, Festival...
WECreate Spaces-Limerick at the Amongst the people Edition FilmFest by Rogue Dancer
WECreate Spaces-Limerick part of the Official selection FilmFest by Rogue Dancer, Amongst the people Edition, Digital Exhibition, NC, US,...
WECreate Spaces series screened at Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea -Lila López
Official selection XIV,Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea -Lila López- San Luis Potosi, MX. (Mexico), 30 July 2021 WE Create...
THULE screening on FILMLATINO Mexico, Kinam Festival
Thule is screening on FILIMINLATINO, one of the best streaming platforms in all of Latin America, supported by IMCINE (Instituto Mexicano...
Kinesthesia Moving Image Festival
Invited to facilitate the workshop ' Wandering with a camera' at Kinesthesia Moving Image Festival 16-18 July 2021, Middlesex University,...
RAGFF Venezia 2021 Award * Best Original Music Short Film *
Thule-Beyond the borders of the know world, Official Selection and Award Winner of RAGFF Venezia 2021 * Best Original Music Short Film *,...