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Festival Internacional de Mujeres y Danza
Centro Cultural Clavijero
Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico
VI International Festival of Women and Dance
Centro Cultural Clavijero
Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico,


Cuerpo en Tránsito. Instalación de video​ 

Invitada especial

WECreate Spaces


August 5 to 25, 2023

Sala 10 del Centro Cultural Clavijero 

Morelia, Mexico​​​​​​


Es para mí un gusto extenderle cordial invitación a participar en el IV Festival Internacional de Mujeres y Danza como invitada especial en la instalación inmersiva de videodanza “Cuerpo en Tránsito” a llevarse a cabo del 5 al 25 de agosto del 2023 en la Sala 10 de Centro Cultual Clavijero, recinto de mayor renombre en la exposición de arte en el estado de Michoacán, México.

Para lo cual hemos considerado su pieza de videodanza WeCreate Spaces

Londres, por su apuesta estética contemporánea que expone un alto grado de autenticidad creativa. Sin más por el momento y en espera de su respuesta me despido con un cordial saludo.

Dra. Rocio del Carmen Luna Urdaibay

Coordinadora general de acKvidades IV FIMUDANZA

Cuerpo Académico de Artes Escenicas

Universidad Michoacan de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

​FIMUDANZA es una celebración colectiva, horizontal y solidaria que reivindica a la mujer en el arte como creadora. Se ha construido desde los deseos honestos de colaborar con personas a las que admiramos y con quienes encontramos ideologías comunes, generando una red viva de mujeres y colaboradores que con la danza como detonador avivan y acuerpan acciones como residencias de creación, conversatorios, talleres, funciones y acompañamiento a distancia. FIMUDANZA se nutre de la diversidad de culturas del mundo, el acercamiento a contextos distintos hace del Festival un espacio permeable para fortalecer los procesos creativos de cada edición. Llega a su sexta edición en complicidad con el Cuerpo Académico de Artes Escénicas de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (CAAE - UMSNH), el Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, el Departamento de Danza de la Texas State University (TXST), University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS), Doho Constructivo, IMA Arquitectura, y el Departamento de Danza de la Secretaría de Cultura del Estado de Michoacán (SECUM).

Instalación de Videodanza

Instalación de film seleccionado de lo mejor del archivo de Sans SouciFestival of Dance Cinema en 20 años, curado a través de mirada degénero para incluir películas de directoras autoidentificadas. 

La filmografía representa a más de 10 países diferentes de AméricaLatina y del Norte, Europa, Asia y África. La instalación se activará conuna presentación de danza en vivo (liveperformance) en la queparticipan creadoras de las piezas seleccionadas.

Curaduría: Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, Ana Baer (EUA-México)

Diseño de instalación: Ivan Marín (Doho Constructivo)

Producción: Rocio Luna (CIC-UMSNH)

​Original text

Bodies in Transit. Videodance Installation

Special Invitation

WECreate Spaces


August 5 to 25, 2023

Gallery 10 Centro Cultural Clavijero

Morelia, Mexico 



It is my pleasure to extend a cordial invitation to participate in the IV International Festival of Women and Dance as a special guest in the immersive videodance installation "Cuerpo en Tránsito" to take place from August 5 to 25, 2023 in Room 10 of Centro Cultural Clavijero, the most renowned venue in the art exhibition in the state of Michoacán, Mexico.

For which we have considered your videodance piece WeCreate Spaces London, for its contemporary aesthetic commitment that exhibits a high degree of creative authenticity.

Dra. Rocio del Carmen Luna Urdaibay

Coordinadora general de acKvidades IV FIMUDANZA

Cuerpo Académico de Artes Escenicas

Universidad Michoacan de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

FIMUDANZA is a collective, horizontal, and supportive celebration that champions women in the arts as creators. It has been built from honest desires to collaborate with people we admire and share common ideologies, creating a vibrant network of women and collaborators who, with dance as a catalyst, energize and support actions such as creation residencies, discussions, workshops, performances, and remote assistance.

FIMUDANZA draws from the diversity of cultures around the world; engagement with different contexts makes the festival a permeable space to strengthen the creative processes of each edition. It reaches its sixth edition in collaboration with the Academic Body of Performing Arts at the Michoacana University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (CAAE - UMSNH), the Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema, the Dance Department at Texas State University (TXST), the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS), Doho Constructivo, IMA Arquitectura, and the Dance Department of the Michoacán State Culture Secretariat (SECUM).



Videodance Installation

The Bodies in Transit installation is presented with a programme  of selected films from the best of the Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema archive over 20 years, curated with a gender perspective to include works by self-identified female directors.The filmography represents more than 10 different countries in Latin and North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. The installation will be activated with a live dance presentation (liveperformance) in which creators of the selected pieces participate.

Curator: Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema,  Ana Baer (USA-Mexico)

Installation design: Ivan Marín (Doho Constructivo)

Production: Rocio Luna (CIC-UMSNH)

Translation English

WECreate Spaces  - video of installation 

WECreate Spaces - video of installation 

WECreate Spaces -  video (full length)

WECreate Spaces installation - photo gallery

Contextual Information - "Cuerpo en Tránsito"


Centro Cultural Clavijero is the most renowned venue in the art exhibition in the state of Michoacán, Mexico.

Audience numbers

The exhibition was visited by an audience of approximately 3,480 people

Letter of Invitation

Letter of Thank you


Llegará VI Festival Internacional de Mujeres y Danza a Morelia

Anuncian detalles del VI Festival Internacional de Mujeres y Danza. Announcing details of the VI International Festival of Women and Dance.


The six edition of this initiative of the dance union that originated thanks to Alelí Arredondo from Michoacán celebrates and emphasies the importance of working hand in hand with the sector to promote this discipline so fundamental for the human development of men and women.The director of FIMUDANZA, Alelí Arredondo, states that the Festival is a collective, horizontal and supportive celebration that vindicates women in art as creators; a living network of women and collaborators who, with dance as a catalyst, that enlivens and unites actions such as artist residences, conversations, performances and remote collaboration.The member of the Academic Corps of Performing Arts of the UMSNH, Rocío Luna Urdaibay, announced that Room 10 of the Clavijero Cultural Center hosts the Corps in transit; installation of the film selected to the best of the Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema archive in 20 years, which exposes a variety of film, video and performance possibilities through genre lenses, to include films by self-identified female directors.The inauguration of this installation will be activated with a live dance presentation. The exhibited pieces represent more than 10 different countries in Latin and North America, Europe, Asia and Africa. The work will remain until August 25.


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